Life Lately

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Some of you that have followed along with me over on Instagram, or my YouTube channel, or may have followed my old blog remember that my blog and IG profile used to be Life Love and Puppy Paws. Well a lot has changed over the last year, including our family dynamic, so I wanted to start over fresh and use a name that fit better with our family. Therefore you will see I'm slowly transitioning to Life Love and Holmes...which is a play on our last name and my love for all things home. 

So what has happened over the last year?

First...we have a new member of our family. We welcomed Aidan in June. He was born with a medical condition, which I'm not sure how much I'll explain on here, but he has had 2 ER visits, 3 surgeries and 5 hospital stays within the first 5 months of his life. So it's been a little hectic this last year, but we are so very grateful for how well he is doing, and are so blessed to have him as part of our family.

Then our dear Bryn passed away a little over a week after Aidan was born. If you remember we originally had 3 pups, and Miss Abby passed away before Matthew was born. We do still have Napoleon, but he is currently living with family while we get adjusted to a life with 2 crazy boys. We are hoping he can come back home this Summer, once we get through the cold Winter months. 

I went back to work after 12 weeks of maternity leave and started a new role at my company in Shopper Marketing. I love working in Shopper Marketing, and actually worked at my previous agency doing that for 5 years, so I'm very happy with what I'm doing from a professional level. On the other hand I do miss my babies and trying to get out the door in the mornings is the most stressful part of  my day. Add in all of the prep each night getting all the things ready for both boys to go to daycare, along with packing all of my pumping supplies, and it does lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. But I'm figuring out lots of tips on how to manage it all, as best I can, and am hoping to share some tips in some upcoming posts.

Matthew has been the best big brother and you can tell he really loves his little brother, despite a little jealously. But I'm really enjoying watching their bond grow, and I can't wait to see how they interact when Aidan gets a little bigger and can really start to play with Matthew.

And that's really it! Lots of other small things happened, but for the most part the last year has been all about figuring out our new normal as a family of 4. I shared a quick recap of 2021 over on Instagram if you want to see a little more into what we've been into. And I do have a few other posts planned to share things that have happend over the last few years. So stay tuned!

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